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Grand Layaway Sale
60% Off – 0% Interest – Easy Payments

Trade-ins Welcome | 0% Layaway

Storage, Service, Repairs & Restyling

All Work Done On Premises.

Chicago, Illinois’ Fur Source

Our full-service fur salon is prepared to wrap you in comfortable elegance and cater to your personal sense of style. We believe that through invaluable education and luxurious merchandise, you too can experience the Andriana Furs difference for yourself.

andriana furs storefront

About Our Company

Andriana Furs has been Chicago’s number-one furrier since 1987! With every passing season, we continue to bring you the finest quality, style, value, and services to suit your every need. Our dedicated staff has the industry’s highest level of expertise & knowledge to give you an exceptional experience when you walk through our showroom and view our vast selection of luxurious furs. Whether it’s a fur coat, hat, jacket, scarf or a variety of our other accessories, we’ve got the perfect one for you!

Why Choose Andriana Furs?


Over 30 Years of Experience - Chicago's Number-One Furrier Since 1987.

Largest Selection

We Have the Largest Selection of Furs, Shearlings, Cashmeres & Leathers in Chicagoland.

Globally Recognized

We Are Recognized Around the World as a Premiere Destination for Furs.

Cold Storage

On-Site Temperature and Humidity-Controlled Storage Vault and Fur Factory.

Repairs & Restyling

All Fur Repairs, Restyling, and Cleanings are done on Our Premises.


We Accept Trade-Ins of Unwanted Fur Coats Toward the Purchase of a New Fur.

Customer Reviews

4. Grey Swansea Lamb Short Coat w/ Indigo Fox Collar

Request a Consultation

Get in Touch Today

2201 W 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60643


Hours of Operation
Monday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

2201 W 95th St, Chicago, IL 60643, USA